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Meet Margaret Living with Type 1 Diabetes and Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 
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Meet Martin When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2008, I found myself unsure of how to move forward — how to make the necessary changes in my diet and lifestyle in order to confidently manage this condition.
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Event date and time

25th Anniversary Celebration 

Los Angeles Political Roast

in support of the American Diabetes Association


Starring most of our previous Roastees from the past!

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Sponsorship Levels:

$25,000 Heavy Hitter -  Two tables for ten “in the thick of things;” admittance for you and your guests to the private reception attended by our 25th Anniversary Roastees and other dignitaries; full page  ad on the inside front, inside back or outside back cover of the Roast’s Tribute Journal; special recognition at the reception, dinner and in the dinner program; on stage speaking opportunity for company executive; company name on Roast invitations. (Dec. 29, 2023) 

$12,500 Fat Cat - Two tables for ten “in the thick of things;” full page ad in a prominent section of the Roast’s Tribute Journal Fat Cat section; recognition at the reception, dinner and in the dinner program; company name on Roast invitations. (Dec. 29, 2023) 

$7,500 Power Broker - One table for ten “in the action;” full page ad in the Roast’s Tribute Journal Power Broker section; recognition at the reception and company name on Roast invitations. (Dec. 29, 2023)     

$2,500 Influence Peddler – Two admission tickets, one half page ad in the Roast Tribute Journal

$1,500 A Player – One full page ad in the Roast Tribute Journal

$750 A Constituent – One admission ticket



For sponsorships and/or tickects, please contact Donna Lieberman at 703-253-4892 



























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