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Jahna Houston


By Jahna Houston

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Just like many kids her age, Bella was eager to attend a summer camp run by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. When her mother, Nina Paladino, initially contacted the camp facility to see if there were any questions about Bella’s diabetes management, she was assured that everything would be handled. To be certain, Nina sent a follow-up email to the facility, explaining what accommodations were necessary to properly care for Bella. Because she wears an insulin pump, Bella does not regularly require injections prior to meals.

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Forestry Major, Mary Murdock, was excited to receive her welcome packet from AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (AmeriCorps NCCC) in the Spring of 2017. It meant that she was chosen to be a member of a full-time, residential, team-based community service program for young adults, that would take her on a 10-month journey to strengthen communities across the country. Her chance to embark on this journey, however, was threatened because of her diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.

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Serena Valentine

Serena lives in Houston, TX. She finds purpose in helping others find the information they need to live healthy lives.  

When I was 20 years old, I hit a point of exhaustion. I thought it was from trying to balance being a student and a full-time employee, but one night I was at home, couldn’t stay awake, and was having pain all over my body. My aunt took me to the emergency room, and it was there that I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

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50 Years Living with Diabetes

This year was a huge milestone for me…50 years living with T1D. I was diagnosed in 1967 when I was six years old and in kindergarten. I remember being in the hospital for ten days, not being able to have my three siblings come visit me, and remember the nurses teaching my mom how to give a shot by practicing on an orange. Once discharged, I remember my mom boiling my glass syringes, drawing up beef or pork insulin, and having me leave specimens of urine so she could approximate my blood glucose level. Wow, have times changed!

Fortunately, 50 years later, I’m healthy with very minimal complications from diabetes.

I’ve had lots of highs and lows in my life (literally) but have never let diabetes define who I am. I have a positive outlook, a sense of humor, and am grateful for all I have. Yes, there are days when having diabetes really stinks, but I’m human and allow myself those days. I never forget that things could be worse. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and great friends. I’ve been married for 26 years and have 3 beautiful children...and a much loved dog, Bella. I also have an awesome team of doctors.

More about type 1 diabetes

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Thriving While Managing Type 1 Diabetes

Patrick Swingle is a typical American kid. He enjoys hanging out with his friends, playing rugby, rock climbing and going on backpacking trips. Patrick also has type 1 diabetes. Rather than feel sorry for himself and let his diagnosis hold him back, he is thriving. “Patrick has completely integrated diabetes into who he is. It does not define him, but it is absolutely a part of him,” stated his mother, Vivian.

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